Click here for the Valley Park Parish Council response
Test Valley Borough Draft Local Plan 2040 is out for consultation
for 8 weeks from 6th February to 2nd April 2024.
The Local Plan guides future development within the Test Valley area. It shapes how places will change in the future. National Planning Policy Framework sets out what a Local Plan must do, including identifying how many homes and employment land we need.
In the Draft Local Plan, Velmore Farm, off Templars Way (in the Parish of Chilworth), is identified as a preferred site for development of 1,070 houses and an employment site.
The Valley Park Parish Council will be commenting on the Local Plan and we also urge residents to do so.
The Proposal will have immense impact on Valley Park residents.
The areas on which you may wish to have your say could include:
Traffic – Up to 2000 more vehicles onto Templars Way and other local roads, with a significant impact at peak times.
Local Health Services, doctors and dentists, the pressure from an increase of 2000 plus patients.
Issues currently with Flooding of local highways and land around Valley Park. There is a predominance of clay throughout land in this area.
Loss of green space and biodiversity
Breach of a Local Gap
Viewing and commenting on the Local Plan
The Draft Local Plan is available to view online at:
Hard copies can also be viewed at:
TVBC Council Offices - 13 Church Street, Romsey
Local Libraries - Chandlers Ford, North Baddesley, Romsey
A public exhibition will be held at Valley Park Community Centre on Wednesday 28th February from 3.00pm to 7.00pm
Comments can be submitted:
Via an online survey using the representation form on Test Valley Borough Council website
Via emailing directly:
By writing to: Planning Policy and Economic Development, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, SP10 3AJ
Chairman of the Valley Park Parish Council Planning Committee

Local Plan Leaflet