The Commissioner’s new Police and Crime Plan 2024–2028 was formally approved by the Police and Crime Panel on 18th October and has officially launched.
Titled ‘More Police, Safer Streets 2’, this plan builds on achievements from her first term with a focused strategy to address the crimes and issues most important to the public.
The Commissioner’s priorities for the next four years are based on feedback from an extensive public consultation, with over 10,300 residents contributing their views to help shape policing in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Key areas include increasing police visibility and engagement, tackling business and retail crime, addressing rural crime, targeting serious violence and its root causes, improving road safety, and reducing anti-social behaviour.
You can read or download the Police and Crime Plan "More Police, Safer Streets 2" at:
Printed copies are also available on request by:
calling 01962 871595
or writing to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, The Long Barn, Dean Estate, Wickham Road, Fareham, PO17 5BN.